
Oct. 13, 2023

Pumpkin Conspiracy

Lisa tempts Sam with a pumpkin carving contest. It starts as an innocent conversation about cheating, use of stencils when it takes a sudden turn and Lisa declares it a pumpkin conspiracy! Sam's plan has finally worked! How …
Oct. 6, 2023

Water Slide Wedgie

It's never a good day when you get a water slide wedgie. Ouch! The take away from this is to follow the rules so you don't have to get your vagina replaced! However, a warning sign indicating women might lose their vagina mi…
Sept. 29, 2023

Crocs With Socks

Lisa is shaking her head at crocs with socks! All she does is judge, judge no matter what! Lisa has a cold and hates that she has to justify her cold while Sam shames Lisa's handwashing tendencies. Both have I shake my heads…
Sept. 22, 2023

Jump In And Judge

Lisa is a jump in and judge kinda gal while Sam is more of a let's see what happens gal. Sorry Sophie Turner but Lisa is taking Joe's version of events! Will the Russian Twist exercise get rid of your menopausal belly? Do yo…
Sept. 15, 2023

Let’s Paint

When Lisa starts off 'I need you to be open minded' nothing good comes from that statement. She is concerned that Sam doesn't have pictures on her walls so let's paint some! Hard pass for Sam! Do you give a shit or don't giv…
Sept. 8, 2023

Leggings vs Leggins

Hypothetically if you can see the folds of one's butt cheeks in their leggings are they too tight? Lisa has discovered that there are two types of gals who wear leggings vs leggins. Lisa is back riding the bus and it truly i…
Sept. 1, 2023

Never Again!!

Hey friends of the podcast Sam is still on holiday so the audio is a bit different but the funny is still the same! It has been a tough few weeks for Lisa, as her life got packed up and relocated. She declares 'Never Again' …
Aug. 25, 2023

Something Smells...

Something smells and it could be dirty period. Yes, there are certain smells that you just can't forget even though you wish you could! Lisa believes that fruit flies come from inside the fruit and Sam finally asks Lisa how …
Aug. 18, 2023

It Will Kill You

Lisa now has evidence that water will kill you! She believes water needs a warning label! It's only mini sips of water for her! Lisa wonders what is the point of tube socks and Sam ponders a phrase used by her parents growin…
Aug. 11, 2023

Up In Arms!

Lisa and Sam are up in arms over aeroplane aisles, not returning shopping carts, and the non blinker users. So many I shake my head moments as they realise they are going to be cranky old ladies shaming people in parking lot…
Aug. 4, 2023

Smells Like Fish?

Why do we associate the smell of fish with a woman's private region? Is it something we learned from our 70's mom? Why is fish so fishy anyways!? Lisa wonders if you can get away with scratching your privates in public. Does…
July 28, 2023

Seems Questionable!

So many things in this episode seem questionable. The origin of the bumble berry seems questionable and so does Lisa's transition to her sketcher years. Does the view lying down give you body confidence? Cottage cheese with …
July 21, 2023

Dirty Cake Money

Kids birthday parties are super fancy compared to the parties of our youth when we were excited to get money in the birthday cake. Yes, we were overjoyed with the dirty cake money! Think of all the hands that touched those c…
July 14, 2023

Pillow Talk

Sam doesn't want to do it but Lisa needs to have a pillow talk. It is new pillow angst! Sleeping isn't happening and the Carpenters are on repeat! Are we getting password lazy and which Spice Girl are you? Dear McRib, Lisa m…
July 7, 2023

In Or Out?

Is it in or is it out? Where does ketchup live in your home? Is it the fridge or some random shelf all warm and disgusting! Does getting older mean we wear statement jewellery, slip on shoes, flowy clothing and check contain…
June 30, 2023

Grocery Wars!!

Sam declares that Lisa makes lake grocery shopping not fun! Lisa can't help it that she has standards for bread and fruit. Sam is stressing out and Lisa is already mad! Go figure! Sam is rethinking her opinion about the Barb…
June 23, 2023

Swinging Unsupervised!

Lisa and Sam are shaking their heads at the 70's moms who let their kids go to the park by themselves. Lisa was going on her own at 4 yrs old (WTF) and her favourite pastime was swinging unsupervised as high as you could go!…
June 16, 2023

Is It Cake?

Lisa loves the tv show "Is it Cake?" and has a brilliant idea to launch another show where nothing is cake. It's called "of course it's not cake....I can't bake ''. Basically she is lying to people and no one will ever win t…
June 9, 2023

Summer Camp Woes

Who has Summer Camp Woes, Lisa does! She started at young age of seven and it was the worst two weeks of her summer and the best two weeks for her parents! Did you know that Barbie was a surgeon, a pilot, a policewoman, a fi…
June 2, 2023

Cheese Chasers!

Lisa finally found the one thing Sam might do, chase cheese down a steep mountain! She wants to become a cheese chaser! Is winning 7 lbs of cheese worth a possible concussion? Besides Lisa, who else is hoping for good Duggar…
May 26, 2023

Somebody Say Circus?

Lisa wants to join the circus and wonders if Sam wants to come along. Only if she can be the ringleader! Lisa wants to be the cotton candy lady so she can eat it all day long! Dear Starbucks, what's with the frozen butter? D…
May 19, 2023

No Garden!

Lisa has successfully planted her garden...in her mind? Yes, she wants to garden and Sam is a hard no! There will be no microgreens in her future! Do you have a love affair with strawberry yoghurt and would you pose in a swi…
May 12, 2023

Milk’s Back!

Just when you thought Lisa couldn't surprise you anymore she goes and brings milk back...for the summer! Apparently changing the container changes everything! Do fitbits have a design flaw or the easiest way to earn steps? A…
May 5, 2023

We Have Company!!

We have company! Lisa and Sam are super excited to have Joanna or @unlearn16 as a guest! She's famous for her thought provoking videos and $15 dollar fast food challenges on tik tok. The ladies had the best time talking with…