
March 31, 2020

Train Wreck!

Only Lisa and I can still screw up a FB live even when we have John helping us. WTF! The beginning was a train wreck but we figured it out and got down to business. The ladies are still showering during the pandemic and Sam …
March 27, 2020

Wanna Track Your Poo?

Here we go again! We are self isolating and the show must go on! Lisa needs to address the elephant in the room, nobody likes Rob Lowe! We don't know if its him or the fact we talked about him! Guys let us know! We acknowled…
March 24, 2020

How’s It Hangin?

Surprise!! Lisa and I thought you guys might need a little mood booster so we roped Jersey into recording us again! We check in with each other and both of us are a bit bored! It's all about the COVID and nothing good is com…
March 20, 2020

Thank God For Rob Lowe!!

It's a weird world out there but the one constant is Lisa and Sam recording no matter what with John's help of course!  Lisa has been in self- isolation for so long Sam wants her to write a book! They talk about store closur…
March 13, 2020

Next Stop...Space!

The ladies have roped John in to helping them record cause Lisa is under tbe weather. Sam jokes that its the 'corona' but its not Lisa had skin graft surgery a few days before and the show must go on! Daylight savings time h…
March 6, 2020

A Little Off Key?!

Lisa and Sam are starting off the podcast with some off key singing. Sam stops it before they lose all their listeners! They do wonder if there was some edible cannabis in their breakfast though! Lisa has a problem with Sam'…
Feb. 28, 2020

You’re An Asshole!!

After a hearty breakfast and Lisa spending $25 for bacon the ladies get down to recording. Right off the top Sam declares that Lisa is an asshole. That's a true friend?! Lisa shares how she's doing on the bumpy road to feeli…
Feb. 21, 2020

What’s that Smell?

It's a beautiful day in Saskatoon and the ladies are feisty!! They took some time out to do their first Facebook live since July!! Lisa has a confession to make and talks about the unpopular pocket!? A big announcement actua…
Feb. 14, 2020

Yes...I Can Fly!!

It's another week not recording in Betty but Sam is back from vacation and Lisa is convalescing after minor surgery.  However with a lot of help from John the editor the ladies get down to business! Sam admits to Lisa Sonic …
Feb. 7, 2020

Dirty Little Secret!

With the help of some Jersey magic, Lisa and Sam are recording across the border! Okay, so it's all about the tech but left up to us there would be nothing! Lisa has a confession to make and well who doesn't love a dirty lit…
Jan. 31, 2020

Tin Man Needs Oil!!

Lisa is feeling pretty proud of herself with all her fancy tech gadgets but Sam is going old school with paper! They mention having a less than spectacular dinner at the  Keg and realize they complain a lot about their food!…
Jan. 24, 2020

Buh Bye Liz!

Everything is great with a heavy emphasis on the 't'! Yup, it's a little tense in Betty cause the heater is acting up. Right!! The show must go on folks! Lisa quite enjoyed the lunch because of its diversity but has a slight…
Jan. 17, 2020

Forty Below...WTF

It may be freezing outside but that won't stop Lisa and Sam from recording!! The show must go on(hold for dramatic pause)! Come on, we're from Saskatchewan if we can't handle cold now we better move! Things get going when Li…
Jan. 10, 2020

Donut Dilemmas!

It's Thursday afternoon and all we wanted was a donut to take the edge off and it was a total disappointment, twice!! How could Lisa and Sam have forgotten that afternoon donuts are verboten!! Oh well, gotta move past it and…
Jan. 3, 2020

All Shrimped Out!!

t's only January 2nd and the ladies are already thinking its all a bit much.  Lisa has a big announcement she is all shrimped out!! She has been shrimping since November and there are still 5 shrimp rings waiting in the wing…
Dec. 27, 2019

Cake Doesn’t Kill You!

It's two days till Christmas and the ladies are recording! Lisa is offended because Sam told her to shut up but it was done out of necessity! According to Lisa the big news on Monday was a Blue Jays trade but for Sam it was …
Dec. 20, 2019

Boom Baby!!

Lisa is feeling raunchy and Sam is getting sassy! She has big news pot edibles are legal!! She wants to try them but Sam is not interested but maybe the HHG will give them a go! They wrestle with IHOP's claim to being the be…
Dec. 13, 2019

Is It The Full Moon??

Their bellies are full and Sam's patience is low! She is convinced that Lisa is being affected by the full moon and Friday the 13th!! Lisa thinks her cardio group is wary of her because she's too young! She feels snubbed bec…
Dec. 6, 2019

Agree to Disagree

It's already been a long afternoon for the ladies cause the cracks are showing!  Lisa starts off trying to convince Sam she made a Yule log but it was only in her mind!? WTF! Sam loves celebrity gossip as much as the next pe…
Nov. 29, 2019

The Boys Are Back!

Well no bikes were ridden but turkey was ate by some. The ladies start off talking turkey and wish their American friends a happy Thanksgiving! Lisa divulges a guilty pleasure for her and Mike, it's not what you think!  Sam …
Nov. 22, 2019

Baking Mittens and Toques?

What happens when John,  Lisa and Sam get together? They record an episode! Yup, the ladies needed John's help again and it turned out great! Sam confesses to Lisa that she may have contributed to the sadness in the Gibson h…
Nov. 15, 2019

Yes, Its True!

Someone was cranky when she got in the car and it wasn't Sam! Okay, it was Lisa but she recovered quickly with an offer of hot chocolate and McNuggets! Much to her dismay the hot chocolate was more on Lisa then in her mouth.…
Nov. 8, 2019

Say That Again?

Lisa and Sam have become the ladies who lunch...today anyways! With their bellies full they settle in Betty and get down to recording. Sam's had a bit of a week with her jaw and sinuses while Lisa reveals a new cooking twist…
Nov. 1, 2019

I Shouldn’t Have Told You!

The ladies are back together and bitching about the cold and the cost of a winter coat! Lisa realizes that the amazon Pea coat she ordered isn't Saskatoon winter weather worthy! Say that 5 times fast! With Halloween only a d…