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Thanks for keeping real
Always 100% real, thank you for sharing such an intimate experience! Loved hearing Shane’s perspective too. I’m definitely jotting down some notes for myself (and my husband) for our second birth which will be hopefully happening early next month.

Love Sarah and her podcasts, but honestly her husband sounds rude and condescending on her birth podcast🤷🏼‍♀️

Husband - What the heck?
I really love this podcast but the episode with her husband about her birth story. HOLY COW. He is so rude to her, constantly correcting her in literally everything she says, so condescending and manipulative. The fact that your husband talks to you like this on a national podcast is mind blogging. I seriously hope you're okay.

First time
First time listening because I wanted to hear the birth story, but Shane is surprisingly super frustrating to listen to. Hearing someone correct Sarah nonstop was cringey.

My favorite podcast
I am so happy that I found Sarah on Instagram and then started listening to her podcast. Her realness is refreshing and I just love all she stands for.

Much needed during my pregnancy
I came across Sarah on IG about a year ago when I found out I was pregnant with my 4th babe. She announced her pregnancy shortly after I started following and she was the “friend” I didn’t know I needed. Especially on the postpartum journey. Even though I had a repeat c section so our physical recoveries were different, she has helped me tremendously realize that how I’m feeling is normal and to practice limits. Something I was never good at. I wish I had her around for my other pregnancies. ❤️❤️

A podcast of ads
There are so many ads that it’s hard to listen to.

Just Listened to My First Episode
I stumbled on Sarah’s IG page just a few months ago and it’s been a blessing—it made me want to actively work on self-acceptance, made me realize that I need to be gentle with myself. And after hearing an episode of the podcast, I couldn’t be more touched by Sarah’s humanity and openness. I keep so much crap bottled up in my head and heart, so it’s refreshing that she shares her own inner dialogue, assures us that we’re not alone in our worries and stresses. Thanks Sarah—you’re a rockstar and an inspiration! 😊💕☮️🌈✨

loved the podcast this week! such inspiring words and i seriously can’t wait for 2021 and your sweet baby! ✨💕

Really enjoying it!
I just found this and I am thoroughly enjoying it!! Such fun and lots of education and so many relatable topics for every human!

I’m a new listener & am obsessed!! 🥰

Relate anyone?
The last episode on divorce was so relatable and a topic you don’t hear much on. I felt like I was in a conversation with my best girlfriends about one of the most difficult times. Thank you! You are a gift!

Way too many ads
I love this podcast but just when I start getting into it there’s an ad. Waaaay too many ads.

Too many ads
I love Sarah and pretty much everything she does but there are too many ad breaks. I have a hard time getting in to the episodes because there are so many ad interruptions.

Too Many Ads
Tried listening to an episode and it was like 2 minutes of chatting with the guest and then 4 minutes of ads. 3 ads before I even got halfway!

Too many ads
There are soooo many ads. Like I get it, you have to make money. But 3-4 ads an episode? Not enjoyable. Also I feel like Sarah always talks about herself more than talking to her guests. Just my opinion.

Great podcast, way too many ads
I loveee the podcast and everything it stands for, but the ads have gotten way out of control. I do understand that some ads are needed to keep the show going, but every few minutes is a little ridiculous, and they’re loooong ads. I like to relax and listen to podcasts whenever I have a little bit of time to myself, which as a stay at home mom is about once or twice a week, and I’d rather not have to fast forward every few minutes.

Too many ads
Sarah is an excellent speaker and I enjoy this podcast, but there are so many ads in an episode it makes listening almost painful. I get one or two ads, but some of these have up to 5!

I always feel so empowered when hearing the papaya podcast 🦋 and love the topics that are talked about! So happy this podcast exists 🥰

Fearlessly learning
This podcast and everything Sarah does is wonderfully thought provoking. I love learning and growing with her, and letting go of what society has taught us.