November 25th: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

A special episode featuring a Women in Media Network panel to honour International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women featuring Dr. Carlen Costa, Sgt. Amy Birtch, Fartumo Kusow, and Executive Director Jennifer Dunn.
*Episode disclaimer: today's episode contains discussions about violence against women, including sensitive topics which some listeners may find triggering. Listener discretion is advised.*
According to the UN, Every 10 minutes, a woman is killed. Globally, almost one in three women have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both, at least once in their life.
Annually, November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and this year, the date marks the launch of the global UNiTE campaign (Nov 25- Dec 10) — an initiative which kicks off the annual 16 Days of Activism. This is an opportunity to revitalize commitments and call for accountability and action from decision-makers, concluding on the day that commemorates International Human Rights Day on December 10th.
All of the panelists you’ll be hearing from have lived experience as it relates to violence against women, as survivors or loved ones of survivors, and those who are in supporting roles within their communities. While this panel is based in Southwestern Ontario, the topics and themes that will be discussed are far reaching here in Canada, and around the world.
More about the panelists:
Carlen Costa will moderate this discussion, but brings a lot of support to this conversation as a registered psychotherapist who has herself, been a victim of violence. She is the host of the Spicy Fat Podcast on the Women in Media Network.
Amy Birtch is a Sergeant with London Police and the At Risk Coordinator. She had been in that role since 2016 and has 22 years of service with London Police Service. Sergeant Birtch has experience in patrol, community-based policing, and criminal investigations.
Fartumo Kusow is the mother of the late Sahra Bulle, who was found dead in Windsor on June 6, 2023. She is one of the honourees of this year's Shine the Light on Woman Abuse campaign. She is the host of the Break the Silence, Build a Future Podcast.
Jennifer Dunn is the Executive Director of the London Abused Women’s Centre, a feminist, abolitionist agency that provides abused and exploited women and children over the age of 12 with hope and help.
Government of Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, Find family violence resources and services in your area:
Shelter Safe: A resource to finding all shelters across Canada
Resources in Canada for Family and Intimate Partner Violence
The Assaulted Women’s Helpline: A free, anonymous telephone line for women in Ontario experiencing any form of abuse.
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