Oct. 25, 2021

The Parenting Show - Sunday, October 24th 2021 - Dad's Edition!

The Parenting Show - Sunday, October 24th  2021 - Dad's Edition!

The Parenting Show - Sunday, October 24th, 2021 - Dad's Edition


Pina Crispo // https://www.instagram.com/chic_mamma 


Wayne Hannah // https://www.instagram.com/goodmorningassholes

Frank Spadone // https://frankspadone.com

On today's episode, Pina has a fun conversation with friends of the show, Frank and Wayne.  The three of them discuss how to talk with your kids about the 'birds and the bee's', social media, and how to address recreational activities.  It's a super fun show!

You don't want to miss this!