
Do you ever catch yourself saying, I’m so NOT THAT MOM… I’m Pina Cripso, a Toronto media personality with three kids and a potty mouth, and so much experience to share when it comes to being a mom. That phrase…I’m NOT THAT MOM…gives us permission to be whatever type of mother we want to be.  My parenting style may not be the same as yours, and hell, I may disagree with some of the experts. But, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to hear about parenting from a variety of perspectives to make the absolute best decisions for my kids.  Being a parent isn’t easy…it’s scary, exciting, overwhelming, beautiful at times don’t get me wrong, but it’s DEFINITELY not easy! As the saying goes, “it takes a village.” That’s exactly where this podcast comes in. As a single mom navigating my own new chapter, we’re calling in the experts when it comes to parenting and relationships of all kinds. Did I mention teenagers? Dealing with teenagers. Divorces. I just want my desk back. Anyway, more to come on all of that. Whether you’ve got a baby on the way or you’re chasing around a toddler, I have built the village to support us. And, of course, I want you to be part of the show! I’ll be leaning on you for questions, comments, and you know I want to hear your stories, too. And stay tuned for special episodes just for the kids, the husbands, or um…the exes. Hey, we don’t always get to choose who’s involved… Follow and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts, new episodes are coming soon!