March 26, 2023

Episode 14: Alzheimer: Making Decisions Behind a Blind Fold

Episode 14: Alzheimer: Making Decisions Behind a Blind Fold

<p>Making decisions in keeping my mother safe is like making all my decisions wearing a blind fold. Often I reach the final destination after several stumbles. Similarly my mother makes her decision to leave her first husband without having a plan of all the steps that followed the first step of walking out. Like me she had to figure it out one step at a time. </p><a href="" rel="payment">Support the show</a><p>#IAMSAHRABULLE<br />#AlzheimersAwareness<br /> #CulturalTraditions <br />#HealthAndCulture <br />#DifficultChoices<br /> #Resilience <br />#CompassionateCare <br />#MedicalChallenges<br /> #Hospitalization <br />#PersonalDecisions<br /> #CursedFinger<br /> #Strength <br />#Support <br />#Healthcare <br /> #FamilyCaregiving <br /> #PatientAdvocacy <br />Do not forget to follow, listen, like, and share. </p>

Making decisions in keeping my mother safe is like making all my decisions wearing a blind fold. Often I reach the final destination after several stumbles. Similarly my mother makes her decision to leave her first husband without having a plan of all the steps that followed the first step of walking out. Like me she had to figure it out one step at a time. 

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