March 19, 2023

Episode 13: Alzheimer Means Layers of Loss

Episode 13: Alzheimer Means Layers of Loss

<p>Soon I realized Alzheimer meant many losses, some came gradually others fast and startling. Similarly Timiro found out that the decision to marry a man older than her father came with too much pain. <br />In this episode, I explore the losses that came with my mother living with Alzheimer. The same she tries to accept the consequences of her marrying Needs-A-Cane.</p><a href="" rel="payment">Support the show</a><p>#IAMSAHRABULLE<br />#AlzheimersAwareness<br /> #CulturalTraditions <br />#HealthAndCulture <br />#DifficultChoices<br /> #Resilience <br />#CompassionateCare <br />#MedicalChallenges<br /> #Hospitalization <br />#PersonalDecisions<br /> #CursedFinger<br /> #Strength <br />#Support <br />#Healthcare <br /> #FamilyCaregiving <br /> #PatientAdvocacy <br />Do not forget to follow, listen, like, and share. </p>

Soon I realized Alzheimer meant many losses, some came gradually others fast and startling. Similarly Timiro found out that the decision to marry a man older than her father came with too much pain. 
In this episode, I explore the losses that came with my mother living with Alzheimer. The same she tries to accept the consequences of her marrying Needs-A-Cane.

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