Part 5: Back to the Future

Hosts Bronwin Parks and Elinor Svoboda take the podcast on location and meet up in present day Calgary (2024).
Hosts Bronwin Parks and Elinor Svoboda take the podcast on location and meet up in present day Calgary (2024) and it was a more visceral experience than either one of them expected. They tour their elementary school, explore old artifacts and finally answer the question of the podcast: What if they would have been friends from a more impressionable age in 1988?
It Gets Better by Dan Savage (book - youth) -
One In Every Crowd by Ivan Coyote (book - youth) -
Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children (book - adult) – Diane Ehrensaft
The Family Acceptance Project (organization) -
How to talk (and listen) to transgender people by Jackson Bird (video) -