March 5, 2024

Ep28: #NAPTIME Nashville, TN with Dr. Miyabe Shields

Ep28: #NAPTIME Nashville, TN with Dr. Miyabe Shields

<p>This episode is funded by our cannabis reserach and education non-profit called the Network of Applied Pharmacognosy (NAP). If you want to learn more about NAP or donate check out <a href="" rel="noopener noreferer" target="_blank">our website </a>with new rebranding (thanks to Rachel Colic):</p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener noreferer" target="_blank">Thank you to the patrons of this episode, you can join the community for as little as $1/month</a></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>Thank you to our amazing sponsors who are so compatible with each other: </p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener noreferer" target="_blank">DynaVap is a dry herb manual vaporizer: </a></p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener noreferer" target="_blank">CBG Gurus for the amazing CBG, CBD, and CBN products </a></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>additional resources discussed in this episode:</p>
<p><a href=";dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ws-HWCSbmJX8dtQOX3DJ1dgBVRhZaOz9g5xwSH4OFmzk-wUKbZqwpNeBAVIQ8Wh6V8RhTT-K7IfUva7qWC5ajsoi6r4wpvTB9_z8BkeHanNeF43w0ldEjI9ucl4AitCNE3JsyWnWdiUUUYpAlZyCG8EQ3A3eqvVNYjK9ei2ul1gjQqyUP576uEynRzlh9qQYqv-mMzgpa2kGAgyttw6iymlAACb8xYAjezBJHCCQA2FQeHB2r6tn720iLHTr0y2BtY_deU7hypyLMIP9Cwkw4LhfQH6pdVOEy-e5n9lKcXU.N0z6Xoqs8bgtlaxefwruxWGI1PxYf3-iJau3w---8Ao&amp;dib_tag=se&amp;keywords=microscale&amp;qid=1709665989&amp;sprefix=microscal%2Caps%2C123&amp;sr=8-1-spons&amp;sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&amp;th=1" rel="noopener noreferer" target="_blank">Link to the microscale for weighing out your... products :)</a></p>
<p><br /></p>

This episode is funded by our cannabis reserach and education non-profit called the Network of Applied Pharmacognosy (NAP). If you want to learn more about NAP or donate check out our website with new rebranding (thanks to Rachel Colic):

Thank you to the patrons of this episode, you can join the community for as little as $1/month

Thank you to our amazing sponsors who are so compatible with each other:

DynaVap is a dry herb manual vaporizer:

CBG Gurus for the amazing CBG, CBD, and CBN products

additional resources discussed in this episode:

Link to the microscale for weighing out your... products :)