Oct. 20, 2023

EP13: The Biology & Chemistry of Fall (with Jake)

EP13: The Biology & Chemistry of Fall (with Jake)

<p>Fall is our favorite season in New Hampshire. We are almost done with preserving the garden, and we get to witness mother nature preparing for a long cold winter. </p>
<p>Animals and plants prepare in different ways, and that is the focus of this episode. Jake is a wildlife biologist and together we discuss:</p>
<p>- why leaves fall off trees</p>
<p>- why leaves are such bright colors in some places</p>
<p>- why hunting season is in the fall</p>
<p>- why birds migrate</p>
<p>- how to harvest lions mane/bears head tooth &amp; medicinal applications. </p>
<p>&amp; more... </p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>Thanks for tuning in, and thank you to the patreons for sponsoring this podcast and to everyone who has left a review on spotify and apple podcasts! </p>

Fall is our favorite season in New Hampshire. We are almost done with preserving the garden, and we get to witness mother nature preparing for a long cold winter.

Animals and plants prepare in different ways, and that is the focus of this episode. Jake is a wildlife biologist and together we discuss:

- why leaves fall off trees

- why leaves are such bright colors in some places

- why hunting season is in the fall

- why birds migrate

- how to harvest lions mane/bears head tooth & medicinal applications.

& more...

Thanks for tuning in, and thank you to the patreons for sponsoring this podcast and to everyone who has left a review on spotify and apple podcasts!