The Papaya Podcast

Pretty good

I like Sarah and the content and guests. I get so frustrated listening to this podcast because there are so many ads, and just when I’m getting back into the conversation after it was cut off for an ad, another ad begins. I really want to be supportive, and I know ads support the podcast, however, it takes a lot of patience to listen to an episode. The content is great, and this pod would be my go to if it wasn’t for all the ad interruptions.
Updated to add that I tried this podcast again because I was interested in the topic for this week. Sarah should leave room for her guests to talk. She’s often speaking so much and for so long that’s is hardly a conversation, just more of the guest waiting for her to stop talking so they can get a word in. I would have loved to hear more about what Irene Fehr had to say, but most of the episode was Sarah talking about her relationship and her experience, and not enough of what people came for, which is to hear from Irene.

Feb. 7, 2023 by Qwerty34|> on Apple Podcasts

The Papaya Podcast

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